Tag Archives: imajica

Imajica: What.

It’s been a while since I’ve done a book review on Steam Trains, but this one’s another doorstopper.  It’s the dark fantasy epic Imagica, and I almost don’t know what to say about it.

The plot is … well … the plot is not the point.  This is Clive Barker we’re talking about.  It goes something along the lines of there are other dimensions out there other than our own, and our hero and heroine (and our third character who is an it – it’s a long story) must go on a quest to save the cosmos from being ripped apart.

But the plot is most definitely not the point.  You read Clive Barker to immerse yourself in his weirdness.  Imagica is a disturbing rhapsody of magic, doppelgängers, bizarre sex, murder, theology, and oceans that make men pregnant.  Oh, and God is an evil fetus-city.  What?