Tag Archives: order of the stick

OOTS Kickstarter

What’s the word for the opposite of schadenfreude?  ‘Cause I’m getting a heck of a vicarious thrill out of Rich Burlew’s sudden good fortune.

Order of the Stick Kickstarter page.

My relationship with the Order of the Stick goes back about three years.  I was a junior in college and I’d just moved into Benton House, the science fiction and fantasy dorm for helpless geeks like me.  Such a helpless geek, in fact, that I’d signed up to help take care of the house library of fantasy books.

Well, there was this funny looking book in the graphic novels section called Start of Darkness.  If I remember right, I read it in one sitting.  Holy moly, it wasn’t merely a comic, it was literature as well.  It was a tragedy.  The title is a pun on Heart of Darkness, guys!  Then I devoured On the Origin of PCs (try saying it aloud).  Then I moved on to the OOTS website and blasted through them through finals week.

Cannon Fodder owes so much to this comic.  And Redcloak is awesome.

Redcloak Awesomeness Alert

*MEEOOP*  This is a Redcloak Awesomeness alert.  The Redcloak Awesomeness Index has just reached Level Orange.  Elevated levels of Redcloak Awesomeness are expected to continue well into next week.  If you are not familiar with Order of the Stick, starting at the beginning is strongly recommended.  You will be sucked in.  Thank you, that is all.  *MOOP*