Paper Copy of The Confederacy of Heaven

I’ve got some exciting news.

A graduate student from Spain and I have been working together for a few months now – she’s been using the text of The Confederacy of Heaven to make a mock publicity campaign for her thesis project.  Part of the project is to create a mock-up of a paper copy of the book.  She just sent me photos.

Needless to say, I’m pleased as all getout with what she’s done here.  And if you’re curious about the translation from Spanish, here’s a best effort:

Title:  The Journey to Calgary

Text on the back:  For two hundred years, the human race has been punished by the stars.  Since then, it hasn’t rained a single time.  The Earth is dying little by little, and the only one who can save the planet, Nasan of the Clan of the Rattling Bones, feels too lost to confront that task … alone.

(You can click on the pictures to see them bigger!)